When I was young, the idea of "seasons of life" didn't really make sense to me in the way it does now. I had this abstract idea of what adulthood meant, but I was mostly focused on the progression of high school to college to adulthood. And then adulthood just kept going until death or something. One long season.
One of the humbling things about aging is looking back on your myriad former selves and realizing how little you understood. So what did it take for me to realize what "seasons of life" meant? Friends started getting married. I examined my circumstances and realized that I was NOT in that season. Then I met someone and married her. Hi, Rebecca!
Then friends started having babies. You get the idea. Seasons of life.
My dear friends Allison and Justin are about to embark on one of life's greatest adventures. They are both brilliant, fun, lovely people so when they asked me to document some moments from their last month as a family of two, how could I say no?
Their baby girl will be here in no time and they are going to be the kind of fantastic parents that you notice and tell all your friends about.